Trace Grid Window

This window displays a list of all the standard traces in a grid with one row per trace and different columns for the trace properties.

Figure 1: The Trace Grid Window

All of the window is taken up by the trace grid. This grid shows all the standard traces.


At the top of the list are the column headings. The columns are highly configurable:

The following columns are available:

Saving and Re-loading Column Configurations

You will probably want to configure the columns differently for different purposes.

When you right-click in the column heading (any column), you will see the menu option "Save Column Configuration...". Select it and the Column Configuration Naming Window will appear.

Figure 2: The Column Configuration Naming Window

You can enter a name for the current configuration. If you wish to replace an existing configuration, you can press the down-arrow button and select from the list. Once you have entered a name, press the "OK" button and the configuration will be saved.

To re-load a saved configuration, right-click in the column heading and select "Load Column Configuration" from the menu. A sub-menu will appear listing the saved column configurations. Select a configuration and the columns will be set to match the configuration.

To delete a column configuration you no longer want, right-click in the column heading and select "Delete Column Configuration" from the menu. A sub-menu will appear listing the saved column configurations. Select a configuration and it will be deleted from the saved configurations

Resizing the Trace Grid Window

You can change the size of the measurement list window by dragging the edges or corners of the window or the Resizing Control in the lower right-hand corner of the window. The list will expand or contract to adjust to the new window size. Dimension will remember the window size and re-use it as you close and re-open the window.

Editing Multiple Properties for a Single Trace

If you want to edit the properties of a single trace using the Standard Trace Edit Window, put the focus on a cell in that row then right-click and select "Edit Trace" from the context menu.

Copying and Pasting Cells

The trace grid allows you to copy and paste cell values. The cell types must match for the paste to work. For example, you can't copy Point Colors into Point Styles.

The first step is to select a range of cells to copy. There are several ways to select cells:

Then right-click in the selected area and choose "Copy cells to Dimension Clipboard" from the context menu. The copied cells will be outlined with a green border

Then select the cells where you wish to paste. Use the same selection techniques described above.

Then right-click in the selected area and choose "Paste cells from the Dimension Clipboard" from the context menu.