Roll Extension

This capability requires Dimension Premier or the Extensions Add-on.

This document describes roll extensions. Roll extensions have all the functionality of normal (formula) extensions, plus they calculate and display a series of rectangles showing how the measurement area would be covered by material that comes in rolls (such as carpet or tar paper). Roll extensions are typically used to lay out roofs or walls. The following parameters can be specified for a roll extension:

Figure 1: Sample Roll Extension

The sides and bottom of each rectangle are shown with a solid line. The top of all rows except the first (which are overlapped) are shown as a dotted line.

Creating Standard Roll Extensions

If no standard roll extensions exist, you can create a roll extension using Standard Extension Maintenance. Simply press the "Add" button in the Standard Extension List Window and select "Roll" from the context menu. The Standard Extension will be displayed with three rows predefined.

Figure 2: Roll Standard Extension Maintenance

The three pre-defined rows are:

The name and position of the predefined rows can't be changed. Otherwise, the information can be edited as described for Standard Extension Maintenance.

Other rows can be added after the predefined rows. These rows can use formulas with any of the measurement values (Area, Count, Length, Perimeter) or the predefined rows (RollWidth, Overlap and Pitch) or any of the following calculated values:

Figure 3: Standard Roll Extension with Additional Calculations

Editing a Measurement's Roll Information

The formula part of a roll extension can be edited the same way as other extensions. This is described in Extension Measurement Maintenance. You can also move and rotate the layout. To start this, right click on the measurement and select "Edit Extension" from the context menu. Then select "Move/Rotate Layout..." from the sub-menu. The Move/Rotate Toolbar will be displayed over the measurement as shown in figure 2.

Figure 4: Sample Roll Extension with Move/Rotate Toolbar

The toolbar has four buttons:

Displaying Roll Lengths by Row

Figure 5 Roll Lengths by Row Window

You can display the roll length for each row by right-clicking on the measurement and picking "Edit Extension/Display Roll Row Lengths..." from the context menu. The Roll Lengths by Row Window will be displayed as shown in figure 5. The list has four columns:

  1. The starting row number with the length
  2. The number of adjacent rows with the same length
  3. The segment number - when cutouts break a row into multiple segments, the segments are show separately
  4. The length of the row or segment

It's frequently useful to copy the row length to another application (such as Excel). To do this, press the "Copy to Clipboard" button. A grid of information (in tab-separated format) will be copied to the clipboard. The columns will match those shown in the list.

You can then switch to the receiving application and paste the grid.