Plumbing Takeoff and Estimating Software
There are many things to take into consideration when bidding on your next plumbing project. The types, as well as the quantity of materials needed, the amount of time to complete the project, and the total man-hours are some of the considerations that must be made before submitting your bid. With competition also bidding for the same project, it is important to have all the necessary details for your bid; failing to do so can reduce the chances of winning the project.
With eTakeoff’s plumbing estimating software, you no longer have to worry about missing any essential details on your plumbing bids. Our estimating and takeoff software helps you accurately quantify the supplies needed for your project, project duration, and any other considerations to be made to accurately bid the project; all done more easily and qucikly than other plumbing estimating software. When you use our takeoff software, you can increase you and your team’s work productivity by over 15 TIMES. In addition, our plumbing estimating software helps increase your bid output, project win rate, as well as decreases your chances of making human made errors that could negatively impact your bid.